Sailing on Become a Franchise means so much more than having a fantastic product or service. Community involvement can make all the difference in how to make your business bloom after becoming a franchise. Building tight local ties is like throwing seeds into a very fertile garden; it won’t be long before they bloom and bear fruit for both franchisors and franchisees alike.
Picture this-scene: opening your new coffee shop franchise in that up-and-coming neighborhood. The perfect cappuccinos are in place, the great atmosphere that really works-but you’re only beginning to feel the magic when you start engaging the community. People walk past the coffee shops, but if you’ve sponsored the soccer team of the local school or held a weekend farmers’ market there, then you’re not just another coffee house.
Loyalty and affection feel very real when one engages with the community. Relationships like that could make all the difference between a customer choosing you against the guy beside you. When you build that loyalty, word of mouth starts to spread like wildfire. People talk over dinner tables, in their fitness classes, and while walking around the neighborhood.
Then there is also PR value to consider, as one almost always gets front-page privilege from local media and press once involved in various community events or fundraisers. Boy, one just cannot advertise word of mouth like that! Pure gold! And they don’t shoot for the moon in terms of gaining trust once they see a business take such initiatives.
Of course, community involvement isn’t just about profit margins. Giving back to those who support your venture embeds you into the community fabric. Imagine you host a free workshop on Saturday mornings or maybe a charity bake-off. Before you know it, you’re “that kind franchise that always has our back,” and this reputation is worth its weight in gold.